Monday, November 27, 2017

You May Already Be a Winner by Ann Dee Ellis

Cover image for You may already be a winnerOlivia lives with her mother and little sister in a trailer park.  Her father has gone, but Olivia keeps sending him emails, hoping that he will read them and come home.  Olivia's mother works cleaning houses, but there isn't enough money to pay for daycare for Berkeley, so Olivia stays home and watches her sister instead of going to school.  Despite everything Olivia is pretty happy with her life until one day a boy comes down the walking path and into her life.  After that day things start to get crazy, and Olivia walks a fine line, juggling her family's challenges like a performer on a tightrope. 

I read this book because it is by a local author who visited the library.  It is set in my home town, and it was interesting to read the names of familiar places on almost every page.  Ellis had a few writing ticks that bothered me, but I mostly enjoyed the book.  I think of some of the kids that come in the library and wonder if they live the kind of "at risk" life the Olivia deals with.  I have known some that I believe do and I admire them for their strength and courage. (347 p.)

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