Saturday, March 16, 2019
She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton, illustrated by Alexandra Boiger
Here is another "Strong Girl" nonficiton. In the one, Chelsea Clinton starts with a short introduction about being a strong girl. Following that, on each spread, Clinton gives one paragraph and a memorable quote from each of 13 well known women. She includes crusaders like Harriet Tubman and Clara Lemlich, performers like Maria Tallchief and Ophra Winfrey, and scientists like Virginia Apgar. The featured women are all Americans, but have varied race and are from different periods of time. Clinton has also published a similar book about notable women around the world. Boiger illustrates the book with watercolor and ink drawing that are accessible and child friendly. This is a good choice for National Women's Day or anytime when a teacher wants to share a "can do" book with a girl. (I am not sure what a boy would feel about this book. It might make boys feel a bit under appreciated.) (2017)
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