Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Camino Winds by John Grisham

Bruce Cable owns a popular book store on an island off the coast of Florida. It is a gathering place for a diverse collection of authors and Cable does what he can to support and promote their books.  One day, out of the blue, a hurricane hits the island. In the middle of the hurricane, one of the authors is murdered.  The police are so overwhelmed with the aftermath of the storm, that Cable and his friends realize that the crime will never be properly investigated unless they get involved. 

I haven't read much of John Grisham.  I was pleasantly surprised that it was cleaner and less gory than other "Men's" style action adventures.  I read one of Grisham's books written for children and found it a bit slow. I found this a bit slow as well, but I enjoyed it.  The description of the hurricane brought back memories of the two hurricanes I experienced when I lived in Florida.  I also liked the look into the life of a book seller who knows how to attract and engage top authors.  I wish I was better at that.  The plot and characters where interesting enough.  I liked seeing how Grisham depicted the different law enforcement agencies and how they approached the murder.  Overall, I can see why a lot of people read Grisham.  If his other books are like this one, they are a written to appeal to a pretty wide range of readers.  I guess this is actually the second in a series, but I was able to follow it alright having not read the first one.  Over all, not a bad choice for a rather tame action/mystery. (2020, 304 p)

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