Saturday, October 10, 2020

The One and Only Bob by Katherine Applegate


In this sequel to The One and Only Ivan, we get to follow the adventures of the lovable mutt, Bob, as he enjoys his new life as a pet.  Although Bob has gotten used to three square meals a day, and scratches behind the ears by his young mistress, he hasn't forgotten his puppy days on the streets, and his friends, Ivan and Ruby.  He visits Ivan and Ruby at the zoo whenever he can, but is haunted by the memory of his sister, separated from him the day his original owners left his whole litter by the side of a highway and drove off.  One day, as he is visiting the zoo, a hurricane hits, and the animals and zoo keepers are thrown into chaos.  Will Bob ever find his friends, and his last remaining family member, again?

Once again, Katherine Applegate is the master of voice.  In Ivan, we got to hear the voice of the methodical and serene Ivan, and in this book we live in the head of the feisty Bob. Bob is at once brave and afraid he is not brave, kind and afraid he is not kind.  He is a truly wonderful character that children will love. The audio version is read by Danny DiVito and he gets it exactly right.  This is a sequel worthy of the original.  (240 p. 2020)

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