Thursday, August 10, 2023

Every City is Every Other City by John McFetridge

Gordon Stewart works for the movie industry scouting locations for filming.  He is also a private investigator that does a few jobs on the side in the off season.  When his boss on the movie set asked him to look into the disappearance of her uncle, he feels like he can't refuse.  His search leads him into the forests of Ontario Canada, and to small towns miles from his home in Toronto.  He doesn't want to get involved, either with this case or with Ethel, a second in a film he scouted for, but each day he finds himself more deeply involved, and deeper in danger. 

This book is squarely in the genre of men's suspense/mystery, but it has a unique flavor. There was mention of sex but no description.  There was some bad language, but almost no blood and gore, and a surprising low body count. The author spends a lot of time musing about suicide rates for middle aged men, and stereotyping of women as ditzes. There was a sub plot dealing with each of these issues,  and I kept expecting them to intersect at some clever way, but they never did. The plot rambled, but the characters were insteresting enough that I stuck to it to the end though I am not putting the next one in the series on hold. (360 p. 2021)

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