I found this book very in-line with my personal world view. I think he is spot-on as he describes the problems with modern society and how we got them. I liked that he debunked the modern ideal of throwing off convention to "follow your dreams," or "find the real you." Instead he is advocating for focusing on making the world better for the community instead of always pleasing ourselves. He has a lengthy section on creating a lasting marriage based on commitment, which was a little poignant since his own marriage of many years ended in divorce. Of course, having been a columnist for decades, his language is engaging and accessible. I expected that, but was surprised at how often he was willing to be vulnerable and tell experiences from his own life. I think I will be recommending this book to several of my friends. (2019, 384 p.)
Sunday, June 9, 2024
The Second Mountain by David Brooks
For 40 years David Brooks has been a writer and columnist for several of the most famous newspapers in America. During his years of observing and analyzing what is right and what is wrong with American he has come up with a theory of how to move from self-centered isolation to a fuller, richer life. In the first part of the book he describes his theory with the analogy of two mountains. As we climb the first mountain we are seeking for success with our careers, money and fame. Once we reach the pinnacle of that mountain we realize that it isn't as fulfilling as we hoped, and fall into a valley. Then we start climbing the second mountain, which focuses on serving others and building nurturing and supportive community connections. He spends the rest of the book explaining how we can achieve the goal of the second mountain and gives examples of "second mountain" jobs, marriages, and communities.
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