Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Great Courses: The Secret World of Espionage

 Espionage has been a part of society as long as there has been society.  This fairly new Great Courses recording explores the nature and history of espionage focusing on the last two hundred years in Europe and the US. There are lectures on misconceptions about spies, women spies, coding and decoding, famous spies, and double agents. The course concludes with a discussion of new challenges to espionage in the modern computer and internet age. 

This Great Courses offering is different from others I have listened to because it isn't a set of lectures given by one professor. Instead, there are short discussions with a variety of professors and one x-CIA officer on each of the topics. The format was engaging and I found the lecture series very interesting and entertaining.  There were some of the historical figures and events that I recognized, but many that the speakers assumed people know about that I had never heard of.  I was a bit amused that they kept on bringing up James Bond and how unlike that fictional character real intelligence agents are. The recording is only four hours long, and I think it would be a great choice for a couple to listen to on a road trip. (2023)

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