Monday, February 3, 2025

The Unforgettable Logan Foster by Shawn Peters

 Logan has lived in a home for orphans since he was abandoned in an airport at age three.  He has a photographic memory and is super smart, but has few social skills, so the orphanage and school have always been a challenge.  Then one day a couple comes and wants to take him in as a foster child. They seem nice, but Logan's analytical brain soon sees things that are not right.  Why doesn't Gill, his foster father, never eat with them?  Why didn't his foster mom's arm not get burned when she leaned against the stove? Just when he believes he will never get the answers to all his questions about them, an earthquake hits and his life is thrown into danger and chaos. When it does, he soon finds out why his foster parents were acting so oddly, and just how much they really care for him. 

After the heavy Kwame Alexander book, this was a breath of fresh air.  It won't ever be an award winner, or a classic, but it was super fun to read. It reminded me of "The Incredibles" and could have been set in the same world. Logan is delightfully not neurotypical, and his spouting of random facts when he is nervous is endearing, as are his foster dad's really bad "dad jokes."  The book his full of heroes and villains, amazing battles and heart stopping escapes. Even though it is an action book, the violence isn't brutal, and is squarely middle grade instead of YA. I can think of a lot of kids who would enjoy it. (272 p. 2022)

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