Friday, June 29, 2012
Nicholas St. North and the Battle of the Nightmare King by William Joyce
This is a new series featuring the imaginary heroes from childhood. In this one Nicholas starts the story as a swashbuckling bandit, but is changed by his love of a little girl into the kind and magical St. Nicholas all children know. In the process Nicholas and Katherine (the little girl) must team up with the good wizard, Ombric, and the mysterious spectral boy to fend of the evil powers of the Nightmare King. It is a very imaginative story. When I was a very little girl growing up on the Wasatch Front in Utah, I used to look up at the outline of the trees along the crest of the mountains and I thought it was the Pioneers Crossing the Plains. I had heard about the "pioneers crossing the plains" all my short life, and the silhouette looked just like what I had heard about, so I thought there were pioneers up there perpetually walking with their animals and pulling their handcarts. That is the kind of imagination this book calls upon. If a child has that kind of imagination, this is a wonderful story full of excitement, courage and heart. The book is lavishly illustrated and full of warm reassurances that if we can only believe nothing really bad will ever happen to us. The other books in the series, "The Guardians," feature the Easter Bunny and the Man In the Moon. (228 p)
I just found out they are coming out with a movie based on this series. It is being done by the same guy that did "How To Train Your Dragon" and is due out near Christmas