Monday, February 10, 2014

The Misadventures of Edgar and Allan Poe: The Tell-Tale Start by Gordon McAlpine

Cover image for The tell-tale startEdgar and Allan are the great-great-great-grandnephews of the famous Gothic poet, Edgar Allan Poe.  They inherited from their famous ancestor a taste for the macabre, and a talent for mischief.  Their success in performing stunningly brilliant pranks is heightened by their ability to read each others mind.  It is this ability that makes them the target of an evil mastermind, Professor Marvel, who wants to do diabolical experiments on them. Marvel lures them to his Wizard of Oz theme park by kidnapping their cat, but it will take more than a bunch of flying monkeys to stop the Poe twins.

The main characters in this story remind  me of Harold and George from the Captain Underpants series.  They are funny and smart, without being mean spirited.  The best description I can give for the writing is intelligent silliness.  This is a great transition book for Captain Underpants fans who are ready to move on to a regular novel.(178 p)

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