Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Hero's Guide Guide to Storming the Castle by Christopher Healy

Cover image for The hero's guide to storming the castleHere is the second in the Hero's Guide series.  In this one each of the princes are down because the bards have made a popular song about how the robber king robbed them during the celebration party.  They are also all struggling and unsettled with their relationships with the different princesses.  When Liam gets captured by Sleeping Beauty the rest are eager to reunite to try to save him and restore their reputations.

I have several of the newer books on hold right now, so when I needed to fill the gap I turned to the second in this series.  It is very much like the first, but in this one more of the princesses get involved with the adventure. Healy is doing a good job of juggling all the relationships and personalities.  I actually don't know which princess is going to end up with whom. He is also a master of slapstick.  His battle sequences are a bumbling delight. (2013, 479 p.)

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