Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Ghost of Wyvern Lake by Sheila Nielson

 Jayne is the biggest girl in her junior high, maybe the biggest kid, boy or girl.  She also has a reputation of being tough and pugnacious. Her best (and practically only) friend is cute petite girl named Tamille.  One Halloween night Jayne is pursuing a bully who had stolen a little kid's candy, when she chases him into a flat area that used to be under a lake, which had recently been drained.  Jayne is surprise to realized the lake water had been concealing an old grave yard, complete with a small chapel.  Jayne's quarry, Seth, runs into the deserted chapel and unwittingly releases a malevolent spirit that starts terrorizing the town.  Jayne feels responsible, and with the help of Tamille and the "new kid," a boy, Haddon, she sets out to find a way to rid the town of the evil ghost. 

This is a cute ghost story/tween romance written by my dear friend, Sheila Nielson.  I have really enjoyed her previous books, and I liked this one as well. Jayne is a delightful character with a lot of attitude and wit. I also was a size XL in junior high, and I can relate with Jayne's experience of being stereotyped by your size. I also thought the setting was fun; a town were everyone is just used to seeing gargoyles, will-o'-the-wisps, and UFO's.  Having Haddon be the outsider, getting used to his new whacky home was a clever choice.  The story is creepy enough to make it a fun spooky read, without causing nightmares. The book ended in a satisfying way, but with the door wide open for a sequel, or even a series.  I will look forward for the next one to be released. (223 p. 2022)

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