Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson

Cover image for The boy on the wooden box : how the impossible became possible...on Schindler's listThis is a moving story of how the author survived Hitler's invasion of Poland. Leyson was 11 when the war started and 15 when the Jews of Krackow were placed in a Jewish ghetto.  He survived brutality and starvation because of the kindness and courage of the owner of the factory where his father worked, Oskar Schindler.  This memoir is a tribute to Schindler and to the unconquerable human spirit.

The catalog entry states that this is the only memoir written by one of the Jews saved on Schindler's list.  Leyson was also the youngest person on the list. It is an amazing story and all the more powerful because it is autobiographical instead of fictional.  My daughter once went through a period when she loved reading Holocaust stories.  If you know of a mature child, teen, or adult, who is interested in that kind of thing, this is an excellent choice.

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