John Maxwell has written numerous books on leadership and management. This one is a short summary of his basic leadership principles. I liked the fact that he presents his ideas without gimic; no catchy acronyms or catch phrases. He just lays down common sence ideas like the importance of selfdiscipline, and earning people's trust by having integrity. He also emphasies that developing leadership is on ongoing effort that can take years. He illustrates principles with short anecdotes from history or from his own life.
So, I had a tough week at work politically, and felt like I needed a leadership peptalk. I just randomly chose this title and it wasn't a bad choice. For one thing, it is short. The recorded book is only two hours long so I was able to listen to the whole thing in one day of doing chores around the house. Also, I realized that I actually do much of what he is speaking about, which built my comfidence a bit. It also gave me some ideas about how to go forward with some of my problems at work. So, if you just need a two-hour book to groud yourself and reset as a leader, I recommend this one. I may read more by Maxwell in the future.(110 p. 2002)